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Top 3 Challenges in Cross Browser Testing

10 December 2021 Posted By: Solitus Technologies

Cross-browser testing is an excellent way to test the compatibility of your apps or websites across different browsers. We'll go over some of the most common cross-browser compatibility issues that can arise during a website browser test, as well as how to resolve them, in this blog.

Problems with cross-browser compatibility and their solutions

Numerous cross-browser compatibility issues may arise during testing, and we have attempted to cover some of the most common ones below. Our web design Company in Kolkata also shows you how to resolve each problem.

HTML/ CSS Validation

Validating CSS and HTML codes can be a significant cross-browser challenge for developers. This is because code is read and handled differently depending on the browser you're using. Even minor mistakes, such as forgetting to close a tag, can result in an error. When an error occurs, some browsers may automatically correct it, whereas others may not display the feature at all.

This is one of the most common compatibility issues, but there is a simple solution. W3C-powered HTML and CSS code validation tools, such as Jigsaw CSS Validator and W3C HTML validator, are available to developers.

Missing CSS Resets

Browsers have their own design layout (CSS style) that is applied to your website by default. The default layout must be overridden for a website to use its own. Until you do this, your website may display differently depending on the browser you're using. So, how do you solve cross-browser layout compatibility issues?

To reset the websites to the same basic styles, web development in Kolkata recommends using CSS reset style sheets. By including this style sheet, you can ensure that there will be no layout design issues across different browsers such as Internet Explorer and Chrome.


Missing the most basic line of code - the Doctype - can cause problems with your website's visualization. Numerous browsers do not check for the Doctype, but older browsers and versions, for example Internet Explorer 8.0 can and do. What drives them to act this way? Browsers, on the other hand, operate in two modes: Strict mode and Quirks mode.

Error checks are much stricter in strict mode. According to web design company in Kolkata, error checking is less strict in quirks mode because this mode is intended to support backward compatibility for older or outdated browser versions.

If the browser does not find a Doctype tag in your code, it will usually enter quirks mode. However, if the browser does not support HTML5, it will most likely not know which version to look for, which may result in unresponsive tags. As a result, your website will not look the way you intended.

The simplest solution to this cross-browser issue is to include the Doctype code at the top of your code at all times. Simply type DOCTYPE HTML to ensure that, your site is perfectly rendered across all browsers.

Final Takeaway,

In this blog, we've discussed some of the most common cross-browser compatibility issues, as well as how to resolve them. We hope this blog will assist you in resolving the issues.


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